Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NExiv2Class CrwImage to access Canon CRW images.
The Canon RAW (CRW) File Format by Phil Harvey
 NInternalHelper structure for the Matroska tags lookup table
 CAsciiValueValue for an Ascii string type
 CAsfVideoClass to access ASF video files
 CBasicIoAn interface for simple binary IO
 CBmffImageClass to access BMFF images
 CBmpImageClass to access Windows bitmaps. This is just a stub - we only read width and height
 CCommentValueValue for an Exif comment
 CCr2ImageClass to access raw Canon CR2 images. Exif metadata is supported directly, IPTC is read from the Exif data, if present
 CCr2ParserStateless parser class for data in CR2 format. Images use this class to decode and encode CR2 data. See class TiffParser for details
 CCrwImageClass to access raw Canon CRW images. Only Exif metadata and a comment are supported. CRW format does not contain IPTC metadata
 CDataBufUtility class containing a character array. All it does is to take care of memory allocation and deletion. Its primary use is meant to be as a stack variable in functions that need a temporary data buffer
 CDataSetDetails of an IPTC dataset
 CDataValueValue for an undefined data type
 CDateValueValue for simple ISO 8601 dates
 CEpsImageClass to access EPS images
 CErrorSimple error class used for exceptions. An output operator is provided to print errors to a stream
 CExifDataA container for Exif data. This is a top-level class of the Exiv2 library. The container holds Exifdatum objects
 CExifdatumAn Exif metadatum, consisting of an ExifKey and a Value and methods to manipulate these
 CExifKeyConcrete keys for Exif metadata and access to Exif tag reference data
 CExifParserStateless parser class for Exif data. Images use this class to decode and encode binary Exif data
 CExifTagsAccess to Exif group and tag lists and misc. tag reference methods, implemented as a static class
 CExifThumbAccess and modify an Exif thumbnail image. This class implements manipulators to set and erase the thumbnail image that is optionally embedded in IFD1 of the Exif data. Accessors are provided by the base class, ExifThumbC
 CExifThumbCAccess to a Exif thumbnail image. This class provides higher level accessors to the thumbnail image that is optionally embedded in IFD1 of the Exif data. These methods do not write to the Exif metadata. Manipulators are provided in subclass ExifThumb
 CExvImageHelper class to access Exiv2 files
 CGifImageClass to access raw GIF images. Exif/IPTC metadata are supported directly
 CGroupInfoThe details of an Exif group. Groups include IFDs and binary arrays
 CHttpIoProvides the http read/write access for the RemoteIo
 CImageAbstract base class defining the interface for an image. This is the top-level interface to the Exiv2 library
 CImageFactoryReturns an Image instance of the specified type
 CIoCloserUtility class that closes a BasicIo instance upon destruction. Meant to be used as a stack variable in functions that need to ensure BasicIo instances get closed. Useful when functions return errors from many locations
 CIptcDataA container for IPTC data. This is a top-level class of the Exiv2 library
 CIptcDataSetsIPTC dataset reference, implemented as a static class
 CIptcdatumAn IPTC metadatum ("dataset"), consisting of an IptcKey and a Value and methods to manipulate these
 CIptcKeyConcrete keys for IPTC metadata
 CIptcParserStateless parser class for IPTC data. Images use this class to decode and encode binary IPTC data
 CJp2ImageClass to access JPEG-2000 images
 CJpegBaseAbstract helper base class to access JPEG images
 CJpegImageClass to access JPEG images
 CKeyAbstract base class defining the Key of a metadatum. Keys are used to identify and group metadata
 CLangAltValueValue type for XMP language alternative properties
 CLogMsgClass for a log message, used by the library. Applications can set the log level and provide a customer log message handler (callback function)
 CMatroskaVideoClass to access Matroska video files
 CMemIoProvides binary IO on blocks of memory by implementing the BasicIo interface. A copy-on-write implementation ensures that the data passed in is only copied when necessary, i.e., as soon as data is written to the MemIo. The original data is only used for reading. If writes are performed, the changed data can be retrieved using the read methods (since the data used in construction is never modified)
 CMetadatumAbstract base class defining the interface to access information related to one metadata tag
 CMrwImageClass to access raw Minolta MRW images. Exif metadata is supported directly, IPTC is read from the Exif data, if present
 CNativePreviewNative preview information. This is meant to be used only by the PreviewManager
 COrfImageClass to access raw Olympus ORF images. Exif metadata is supported directly, IPTC is read from the Exif data, if present
 COrfParserStateless parser class for data in ORF format. Images use this class to decode and encode ORF data. See class TiffParser for details
 CPgfImageClass to access PGF images. Exif and IPTC metadata are supported directly
 CPhotoshopHelper class, has methods to deal with Photoshop "Information Resource Blocks" (IRBs)
 CPngImageClass to access PNG images. Exif and IPTC metadata are supported directly
 CPreviewImageClass that holds preview image properties and data buffer
 CPreviewManagerClass for extracting preview images from image metadata
 CPreviewPropertiesPreview image properties
 CPsdImageClass to access raw Photoshop images
 CQuickTimeVideoClass to access QuickTime video files
 CRafImageClass to access raw Fujifilm RAF images. Exif metadata is supported directly, IPTC is read from the Exif data, if present
 CRecordInfoDetails of an IPTC record
 CRemoteIoProvides binary IO for the data from stdin and data uri path
 CRiffVideoClass to access RIFF video files
 CRw2ImageClass to access raw Panasonic RW2 images. Exif metadata is supported directly, IPTC and XMP are read from the Exif data, if present
 CRw2ParserStateless parser class for data in RW2 format. Images use this class to decode and encode RW2 data. Only decoding is currently implemented. See class TiffParser for details
 CSliceSlice (= view) for STL containers
 CSlice< const container >Specialization of slices for constant containers
 CSlice< const T * >
 CSlice< T * >
 CStringValueValue for string type
 CStringValueBaseAbstract base class for a string based Value type
 CTagInfoTag information
 CTgaImageClass to access raw TARGA images. This is just a stub - we only read width and height
 CTiffImageClass to access TIFF images. Exif metadata is supported directly, IPTC is read from the Exif data, if present
 CTiffParserStateless parser class for data in TIFF format. Images use this class to decode and encode TIFF data. It is a wrapper of the internal class Internal::TiffParserWorker
 CTimeValueValue for simple ISO 8601 times
 CTypeInfoType information lookup functions. Implemented as a static class
 CUriA container for URL components. It also provides the method to parse a URL to get the protocol, host, path, port, querystring, username, password
 CValueCommon interface for all types of values used with metadata
 CValueTypeTemplate for a Value of a basic type. This is used for unsigned and signed short, long and rationals
 CWebPImageClass to access WEBP video files
 CXmpArrayValueValue type for simple arrays. Each item in the array is a simple value, without qualifiers. The array may be an ordered (seq), unordered (bag) or alternative array (alt). The array items must not contain qualifiers. For language alternatives use LangAltValue
 CXmpDataA container for XMP data. This is a top-level class of the Exiv2 library
 CXmpdatumInformation related to an XMP property. An XMP metadatum consists of an XmpKey and a Value and provides methods to manipulate these
 CXmpKeyConcrete keys for XMP metadata
 CXmpNsInfoStructure mapping XMP namespaces and (preferred) prefixes
 CXmpParserStateless parser class for XMP packets. Images use this class to parse and serialize XMP packets. The parser uses the XMP toolkit to do the job
 CXmpPropertiesXMP property reference, implemented as a static class
 CXmpPropertyInfoInformation about one XMP property
 CXmpSidecarClass to access XMP sidecar files. They contain only XMP metadata
 CXmpTextValueValue type suitable for simple XMP properties and XMP nodes of complex types which are not parsed into specific values
 CXmpValueBase class for all Exiv2 values used to store XMP property values