PLUS License Data Format schema

The PLUS License Data Format ("LDF") is an ordered group of fields available for optional use in embedding and reading image license metadata in digital files and other documents.

Reference: PLUS Technical Specification

Property Label Value type Exiv2 type Category Description
Version PLUS Version Text XmpText External The version number of the PLUS standards in place at the time of the transaction.
Licensee Licensee seq LicenseeDetail XmpSeq External Party or parties to whom the license is granted by the Licensor/s under the license transaction.
LicenseeID Licensee ID Text XmpText External Optional PLUS-ID identifying each Licensee.
LicenseeName Licensee Name ProperName XmpText External Name of each Licensee.
EndUser End User seq EndUserDetail XmpSeq External Party or parties ultimately making use of the image under the license.
EndUserID End User ID Text XmpText External Optional PLUS-ID identifying each End User.
EndUserName End User Name ProperName XmpText External Name of each End User.
Licensor Licensor seq LicensorDetail XmpSeq External Party or parties granting the license to the Licensee.
LicensorID Licensor ID Text XmpText External Optional PLUS-ID identifying each Licensor.
LicensorName Licensor Name ProperName XmpText External Name of each Licensor.
LicensorStreetAddress Licensor Address Text XmpText External Licensor street address.
LicensorExtendedAddress Licensor Address Detail Text XmpText External Additional Licensor mailing address details.
LicensorCity Licensor City Text XmpText External Licensor City name.
LicensorRegion Licensor State or Province Text XmpText External Licensor State or Province name.
LicensorPostalCode Licensor Postal Code Text XmpText External Licensor Postal Code or Zip Code.
LicensorCountry Licensor Country Text XmpText External Licensor Country name.
LicensorTelephoneType1 Licensor Telephone Type 1 URL XmpText External Licensor Telephone Type 1.
LicensorTelephone1 Licensor Telephone 1 Text XmpText External Licensor Telephone number 1.
LicensorTelephoneType2 Licensor Telephone Type 2 URL XmpText External Licensor Telephone Type 2.
LicensorTelephone2 Licensor Telephone 2 Text XmpText External Licensor Telephone number 2.
LicensorEmail Licensor Email Text XmpText External Licensor Email address.
LicensorURL Licensor URL URL XmpText External Licensor world wide web address.
LicensorNotes Licensor Notes Lang Alt LangAlt External Supplemental information for use in identifying and contacting the Licensor/s.
MediaSummaryCode PLUS Media Summary Code Text XmpText External A PLUS-standardized alphanumeric code string summarizing the media usages included in the license.
LicenseStartDate License Start Date Date XmpText External The date on which the license takes effect.
LicenseEndDate License End Date Date XmpText External The date on which the license expires.
MediaConstraints Media Constraints Lang Alt LangAlt External Constraints limiting the scope of PLUS Media Usage/s included in the license to particular named media or to media not yet specifically defined in the PLUS Media Matrix.
RegionConstraints Region Constraints Lang Alt LangAlt External Constraints limiting the scope of geographic distribution to specific cities, states, provinces or other areas to be included in or excluded from the PLUS Regions specified in the Media Usages specified in the license.
ProductOrServiceConstraints Product or Service Constraints Lang Alt LangAlt External Constraints limiting usage of the image to promotion of/association with a named product or service.
ImageFileConstraints Image File Constraints bag URL XmpBag External Constraints on the changing of the image file name, metadata or file type.
ImageAlterationConstraints Image Alteration Constraints bag URL XmpBag External Constraints on alteration of the image by cropping, flipping, retouching, colorization, de-colorization or merging.
ImageDuplicationConstraints Image Duplication Constraints URL XmpText External Constraints on the creation of duplicates of the image.
ModelReleaseStatus Model Release Status URL XmpText External Summarizes the availability and scope of model releases authorizing usage of the likenesses of persons appearing in the photograph.
ModelReleaseID Model Release ID bag Text XmpBag External Optional identifier associated with each Model Release.
MinorModelAgeDisclosure Minor Model Age Disclosure URL XmpText External Age of the youngest model pictured in the image, at the time that the image was made.
PropertyReleaseStatus Property Release Status URL XmpText External Summarizes the availability and scope of property releases authorizing usage of the properties appearing in the photograph.
PropertyReleaseID Property Release ID bag Text XmpBag External Optional identifier associated with each Property Release.
OtherConstraints Other Constraints Lang Alt LangAlt External Additional constraints on the license.
CreditLineRequired Credit Line Required URL XmpText External Attribution requirements, if any.
AdultContentWarning Adult Content Warning URL XmpText External Warning indicating the presence of content not suitable for minors.
OtherLicenseRequirements Other License Requirements Lang Alt LangAlt External Additional license requirements.
TermsAndConditionsText Terms and Conditions Text Lang Alt LangAlt External Terms and Conditions applying to the license.
TermsAndConditionsURL Terms and Conditions URL URL XmpText External URL for Terms and Conditions applying to the license.
OtherConditions Other License Conditions Lang Alt LangAlt External Additional license conditions.
ImageType Image Type URL XmpText External Identifies the type of image delivered.
LicensorImageID Licensor Image ID Text XmpText External Optional identifier assigned by the Licensor to the image.
FileNameAsDelivered Image File Name As Delivered Text XmpText External Name of the image file delivered to the Licensee for use under the license.
ImageFileFormatAsDelivered Image File Format As Delivered URL XmpText External File format of the image file delivered to the Licensee for use under the license.
ImageFileSizeAsDelivered Image File Size As Delivered URL XmpText External Size of the image file delivered to the Licensee.
CopyrightStatus Copyright Status URL XmpText External Copyright status of the image.
CopyrightRegistrationNumber Copyright Registration Number Text XmpText External Copyright Registration Number, if any, applying to the licensed image.
FirstPublicationDate First Publication Date Date XmpText External The date on which the image was first published.
CopyrightOwner Copyright Owner seq CopyrightOwnerDetail XmpSeq External Owner or owners of the copyright in the licensed image.
CopyrightOwnerID Copyright Owner ID Text XmpText External Optional PLUS-ID identifying each Copyright Owner.
CopyrightOwnerName Copyright Owner Name ProperName XmpText External Name of Copyright Owner.
CopyrightOwnerImageID Copyright Owner Image ID Text XmpText External Optional identifier assigned by the Copyright Owner to the image.
ImageCreator Image Creator seq ImageCreatorDetail XmpSeq External Creator/s of the image.
ImageCreatorID Image Creator ID Text XmpText External Optional PLUS-ID identifying each Image Creator.
ImageCreatorName Image Creator Name ProperName XmpText External Name of Image Creator.
ImageCreatorImageID Image Creator Image ID Text XmpText External Optional identifier assigned by the Image Creator to the image.
ImageSupplierID Image Supplier ID Text XmpText External Optional PLUS-ID identifying the Image Supplier.
ImageSupplierName Image Supplier Name ProperName XmpText External Name of Image Supplier.
ImageSupplierImageID Image Supplier Image ID Text XmpText External Optional identifier assigned by the Image Supplier to the image.
LicenseeImageID Licensee Image ID Text XmpText External Optional identifier assigned by the Licensee to the image.
LicenseeImageNotes Licensee Image Notes Lang Alt LangAlt External Notes added by Licensee.
OtherImageInfo Other Image Info Lang Alt LangAlt External Additional image information.
LicenseID License ID Text XmpText External Optional PLUS-ID assigned by the Licensor to the License.
LicensorTransactionID Licensor Transaction ID bag Text XmpBag External Identifier assigned by Licensor for Licensor's reference and internal use.
LicenseeTransactionID Licensee Transaction ID bag Text XmpBag External Identifier assigned by Licensee for Licensee's reference and internal use.
LicenseeProjectReference Licensee Project Reference bag Text XmpBag External Project reference name or description assigned by Licensee.
LicenseTransactionDate License Transaction Date Date XmpText External The date of the License Transaction.
Reuse Reuse URL XmpText External Indicates whether a license is a repeat or an initial license. Reuse may require that licenses stored in files previously delivered to the customer be updated.
OtherLicenseDocuments Other License Documents bag Text XmpBag External Reference information for additional documents associated with the license.
OtherLicenseInfo Other License Info Lang Alt LangAlt External Additional license information.
Custom1 Custom 1 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensor's discretion.
Custom2 Custom 2 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensor's discretion.
Custom3 Custom 3 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensor's discretion.
Custom4 Custom 4 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensor's discretion.
Custom5 Custom 5 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensor's discretion.
Custom6 Custom 6 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensee's discretion.
Custom7 Custom 7 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensee's discretion.
Custom8 Custom 8 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensee's discretion.
Custom9 Custom 9 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensee's discretion.
Custom10 Custom 10 bag Lang Alt XmpBag External Optional field for use at Licensee's discretion.